El Maratón de Boston de 2021 lució un poco diferente después de ser cancelado en 2020. En particular, la carrera se llevó a cabo en el otoño, el lunes 11 de octubre, un cambio de su fecha habitual el tercer lunes de abril. Además, el campo en persona era más pequeño, con solo unos 20.000 corredores recorriendo las calles de Boston. Sin embargo, casi otros 20.000 corredores más corrieron 26.2 virtualmente.
Entre los que cruzaron la línea en Boylston Street este año se encontraban un puñado de corredores y celebridades notables. Siga leyendo para ver cómo los trataron las colinas de Newton.
Después de correr el Maratón de Chicago ayer, Shalane Flanagan terminó en 2:40:34 en Boston. Fue la cuarta carrera en su búsqueda por completar las seis carreras de maratón en 42 días.
El siguiente paso para Flanagan es el Maratón de Tokio el 17 de octubre, que será virtual este año tras el aplazamiento de la carrera a[utm_source|[utm_campaign|[utm_medium|[gclid|[msclkid|[fbclid|[refdomain|www.runnersworld.com[content_id|ac7ea433-5db1-414e-9bfd-1d8be4cedb4b[content_product_id|[product_retailer_id|”>March 2022.
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick finished her first marathon in 4:01:21, good enough for a 9:13/mile pace. But even more impressive was her negative split: the former IndyCar and NASCAR driver ran 2:00:45 for the first half, and 2:00:36 for the second.
Patrick ran to raise money for the Light Foundation, a nonprofit founded by Super Bowl champion Matt Light and his wife, Susie, dedicated to helping students from underserved areas develop skills and values to help them build their futures.
James Develin
The former NFL fullback, who spent most of his career with the New England Patriots, finished the marathon in 4:27:17.
“It was a surreal experience,” Develin told WBZ-TV after finishing. “I didn’t know what to expect. This was my first experience at the marathon and it was absolutely awesome from Mile 1 to 26.2. It was a great time.”
Chris Nikic
Chris Nikic, the 22-year-old runner and Ironman with Down Syndrome, finished the Boston Marathon in 6:01:22.
“It’s such an amazing day,” Nikic told WBZ-TV after finishing. “When I tackled those hills, it was tough. But I knew that I could make it.”
Nikic became the first person with Down Syndrome to finish an Ironman triathlon on November 7 last year, and was awarded two ESPYs in the summer of 2021.
Brian d’arcy James
Brian d’arcy James, a Broadway actor with roles in Hamilton and Shrek: The Musical, finished the 2021 Boston Marathon in 3:30:22, good enough for a 8:02/mile pace.
The actor, running his first-ever Boston Marathon, qualified at the Chicago Marathon in 2019.
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