This month saw Snot return from hiatus for their first round of live shows in several years. Those two shows also saw the group publicly introduce their latest vocalist, Andy Knapp of Stronger Than Machines. The latter takes over the spot originally held by the late Lynn Strait, and it would seem Knapp‘s well-received addition has reinvigorated the band.
While the setlists for the group’s initial shows has been reliant on previously released material, it seems there’s a chance that may change down the road with Knapp now in place. Appearing recently on Suicide Silence guitarist Chris Garza‘s ‘The Garza Podcast‘, Snot bassist John “Tumor” Fahnestock revealed that the band have been sitting on new material, albeit without Knapp‘s involvement thus far. Tumor said of that:
“Oh, I got riffs, man. We tracked stuff six, seven years ago, Mikey and I, that sounds jaw-dropping like Snot, ’cause that’s just how we work together.”
His bandmate, guitarist Mikey Doling, added:
“There are no vocals on it yet, but we’re writing. But the music, you’ll be like, ‘Holy shit. That’s like Snot.’ It’s just what we do. It’s not a struggle. We just write that way. And when we pair it together. And it was kind of like an East Coast-meets-West Coast thing back then, and it still gels; it still works.”
Snot‘s schedule at the moment consists of the following dates:
02/08 Santa Barbara, CA – SOhO (feat. Seven Hours After Violet & Petmedz)
04/25 Denver, CO – HQ
04/26 Colorado Springs, CO – The Black Sheep
05/18 Daytona Beach, FL – Welcome To Rockville
07/18 Flint, MI – The Machine Shop (feat. The Union Underground)
07-19/20 Mansfield, OH – Inkcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival
08/08-10 Kortrijk, BEL – Alcatraz
08/14-17 Carhaix, FRA – Motocultor Festival
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