Yuuto Hibiya, the 27-year-old singer, hosted his new song release event on January 28, 2025, at “Balirakusu Za Gaden Shinjuku” in Tokyo. This event marked the celebration of his latest single, “Unmei No Natsu,” which is set to be officially released on January 29. The ‘summer song’ promises to be both refreshing and heartwarming, conveying straightforward messages of love against the backdrop of summer themes.
Having entered his eighth year since debuting, Hibiya’s musical career has seen significant achievements, including winning the arrangement award at the “66th Japan Record Awards” for his eighth single “Meikyu No Maria” last year. His efforts included successfully completing a concert tour across 15 locations nationwide.
The release event, embracing the summer spirit, took place at a tropical-themed restaurant, where Hibiya performed his new song passionately on the venue’s water stage. “This is my first-ever summer song, and interestingly, it began as a coupling track for my previous work, ‘Meikyu No Maria.’ My composer, Kohei Saito, suggested it shouldn’t be wasted as merely a coupling track, which I wholeheartedly agreed with,” said Hibiya, sharing details about the song’s creation.
He expressed how the track made him feel invigorated, stating, “It’s incredibly refreshing and gives the sense of joyous summer fun, signaling the arrival of the season. I aim for this song to become something people want to listen to when summer arrives.” The upbeat tune reflects youthful summer love, narrated through poetic lyrics by Masayuki Urano.
At the event, Hibiya also unveiled the original tropical drink, “Unmei No Natsu,” which captured the essence of his new single. He demonstrated how to make the drink, combining emerald green and yellow hues, symbolizing the summery vibes of the song. “I want our guests to feel the summer spirit through this drink. One sip should transport them to a tropical paradise, all the more enjoyable with the tune of ‘Unmei No Natsu’ playing in their heads,” he suggested.
Looking forward to 2025, he declared his intention to embrace challenges throughout the year. He stated, “I hope to perform alongside my friends, Reon Niihama and Naoki Sanada, on the same stage at this year’s Kohaku Uta Gassen.” Hibiya’s aspirations remain high as he aims to make his mark on music festivals and event stages, particularly spotlighting his anticipation for the year.
The vibrant emerald green drink, made from non-alcoholic Blue Curacao blended with pineapple juice and orange-flavored liqueurs, along with the yellow part composed of mango and orange juice with added lemon juice, will be available for limited time from January 31 to February 11 at the same Shinjuku venue.
On another note, Hibiya’s theme song for the upcoming series ‘Yuto Prince’s Great Adventure,’ which began airing on January 11, “Saa, Bouken Da!” was released on January 8. Following this, he is scheduled to perform at the Osaka Shin Kabukiza on February 1 and participate in the 50th anniversary celebration of actor-singer Ken Matsudaira scheduled for March 6 to 16 at the Nagoya Misono Theater.
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