While @andrewchicago63 had another issue with Ryan’s hosting style: “I think the more annoying thing is when he doesn’t remind them to call a letter before they solve in the last round when time is running out. Lady today lost out on 1500 or so.”
And not everyone was calling the star out, like user @NoDifference4474, who defended him, writing: “Because he’s a presenter, not a host. At least he’s stopped putting his hand and arm DIRECTLY over top the small wheel before it’s come to a stop.”
As fan @cancer_beater agreed, adding: “I really enjoy how Ryan hosts the show. He’s enthusiastic and really cheers the contestants on. I never cared for Pat’s snarky comments.”
And @Former-Midnight-5990 echoed: “I do like how he is more engaging but he is shortcoming sometimes. pat was…. demeaning.”
Wheel of Fortune airs weekdays on ABC 7:30pm.
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‘ Some details of this article were extracted from the following source www.the-express.com ’