Pune Police have been asked to file an FIR against singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya for his alleged derogatory comments about Mahatma Gandhi. Local activist Manish Deshpande submitted an application on Wednesday at the Deccan-Gymkhana police station, requesting legal action against the singer.
Activist urges Pune police to file FIR against Abhijeet Bhattacharya
Abhijeet made controversial statements, including claiming that “Gandhi was not the Father of the Nation of India but the Father of the Nation of Pakistan.” The activist argues that such remarks not only disrespect Gandhi but also promote divisive rhetoric.
According to PTI, Deshpande’s complaint further states that Abhijeet made an “irrational comment,” asserting that India has always existed while Pakistan was created by mistake. The activist believes these statements reflect the singer’s disregard for history and his animosity towards Gandhi.
His legal representative, Advocate Asim Sarode, stated that if the Deccan-Gymkhana police fail to register an FIR, they will escalate the matter to higher authorities and, if necessary, take legal recourse through the courts.
A police official from the Deccan-Gymkhana station, however, told PTI that they had not yet received the complaint. The case is expected to develop further based on the authorities’ response.
What Abhijeet said about Mahatma Gandhi
Speaking on Shubhankar Mishra’s podcast in December, Abhijeet said, “Mahatma Gandhi was the father of the nation for Pakistan, not India. India already existed, Pakistan was carved out of India later. Gandhi has been mistakenly called the father of the nation for India. He was the one responsible behind the existence of Pakistan.”
He also said, “Music composer R.D. Burman was bigger than Mahatma Gandhi. Like Mahatma Gandhi was the father of the nation, R.D. Burman was the father of the nation in the world of music.”
About Abhijeet Bhattacharya
Known for his melodious voice, Abhijeet became a prominent playback singer in the 1990s, delivering iconic songs for Bollywood’s leading actors. His breakthrough came with the 1992 film Khiladi, where he sang hits like Waada Raha Sanam, Khud Ko Kya Samajhti Hai, and Kya Khabar Thi Jaana, composed by Jatin-Lalit.
Over the years, he lent his voice to actors such as Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar, Hrithik Roshan, and Ranbir Kapoor, among others. His contributions to films in the 1990s cemented his status as one of Bollywood’s most successful playback singers.
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