LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) – Lubbock has a vibrant music scene and a new album celebrates some local artists.
Civic Lubbock Inc. unveiled its new “Lubbock Music Now” album tonight at a release party. This is the ninth year for the project.
The 2025 album features 19 current local musicians and their original songs, covering a wide array of genres.
Artists submitted their songs for consideration and a committee of past and current members of the Texas Grammy Board made the final selections.
“But as a member of the community of Lubbock, ”Lubbock Music Now” means our city cares about the stories that we’re telling, the songs that are on our heart, and this means it’s resonating with somebody and that, in and of itself for a songwriter, is a gift,” singer Jonny Keys Hughs said.
The album also includes a memorial track by Don Caldwell, the music producer who died last year. He is also on the album cover.
It will be available to purchase or play on all major online streaming platforms starting on Friday.
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