The movie ‘My Lord’ is directed by Raju Murugan and stars Sasikumar in the lead role. The film features an ensemble cast, including Saitra J. Achar, Guru Somasundaram, Asha Sharath, Gopi Nainar, and Vasumithra, among others. Cinematography is handled by Nirav Shah, with music composed by Sean Roldan. Lyrics are penned by Yugabharathi. The project is produced by Jayanthi Ambeth Kumar under the Olympia Movies banner.
The shooting of the film has been completed, and post-production work is underway. Recently, the first-look poster was unveiled by actor Arya, Anurag Kashyap, Kannada actor-director Raj B. Shetty, Telugu director Krish, and Malayalam director Lijo Jose Pellissery.
ஒலிம்பியா மூவிஸ் தயாரிப்பில், சசிகுமார் அவர்கள் நடிக்கும் என் அடுத்த படத்தின் முதல் பார்வை… நன்றி! ❤️ #MyLordFirstLook @SasikumarDir #ChaithraJAchar @gurusoms #sathyarajnatrajan #munipalraj #ashasarath @gopinainar @YugabhaarathiYb @vasumithraoff @sherif_choreo @pc_stunt…
— Director Rajumurugan (@Dir_Rajumurugan) January 26, 2025
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