The opening scene starred Steve Guttenberg. For many of us watching wildfires rip into Los Angeles from a safe distance, the once-boyish actor from “Three Men and a Baby” and other goofy ‘80s movies became one of the first faces of the disaster when he popped up last Tuesday in a video spreading fast online. It was a clip of an L.A. news crew interviewing Guttenberg on a smoke-choked road as he described the challenges in evacuating the Pacific Palisades area.
With a mask tucked under his chin, the “Police Academy” star looked into the camera and urged people abandoning their cars to leave keys in the vehicles so emergency workers and “people like me” could better clear routes for evacuees and firefighters. The man-on-the-street interview format was familiar and so was the man: a well-known actor appearing before us in an all-too-real role as one of the thousands of Angelenos trapped in a devastating crisis.
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