Bollywood actors Shraddha Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan have been making headlines after a viral photograph emerged featuring them alongside Hollywood legends Morgan Freeman, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Amanda Seyfried, Hans Zimmer, Matthew McConaughey and composer Hans Zimmer. The image has captured the attention of fans and the film industry alike, generating widespread discussion on social media platforms.
The official Instagram account of the Joy Awards shared a star-studded group photo that has taken social media by storm. Shraddha Kapoor, stunning in a black abaya-inspired corset gown, is seated next to Amanda Seyfried, while Hrithik Roshan appears on the opposite side.
Behind them, Morgan Freeman stands near Matthew McConaughey. The photo also features legends like Sir Anthony Hopkins, Hans Zimmer, Cuba Gooding Jr, Christina Aguilera, Andrea Bocelli, Michael Bublé, Guy Ritchie, Mike Flanagan, Martin Lawrence, and more.
Check out the post here:
Fans have expressed excitement and pride over the image, with many taking to social media to share their admiration for the actors. The photograph has sparked conversations about potential collaborations between Bollywood and Hollywood.
Take a look at some of the comments here:
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha Kapoor was last seen in Amar Kaushik’s Stree 2. On the other hand, Hrithik’s last appearance was in Siddharth Anand’s Fighter.
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