Actors Kangana Ranaut and R Madhavan are set to reunite again after almost 10 years for an untitled next. Kangana and Madhavan’s on screen chemistry in their last film, Tanu Weds Manu Returns, was a hit among fans. Ranaut announced the film with a BTS picture from the shooting sets.
The picture is of a clapperboard from the sets which details the shoot day. The film also marks Kanagan’s reunion with Thalaivii director, Vijay who will helm the upcoming project. The movie touted to be a pan-India psychological thriller, is bankrolled by R Ravindran. She shared the picture and wrote, “Nothing is more delightful than being on a film set (sic).”
Take a look at the picture here:
The announcement came shortly after Kanagan’s latest release, Emergency, where she played the role of former Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. The film also marked her directorial debut. On the other hand, Madhavan recently starred in the Zee5 film Hisaab Barabar.
In 2023, Kangana shared a picture and wrote, “Today in Chennai we started filming our new film, a psychological thriller. Other details coming soon. For now need all your support and blessings for this very unusual and exciting script (sic).”
Kangana and Madhavan earlier teamed up for the 2011 film Tanu Weds Manu, followed by a sequel, Tanu Weds Manu Returns in 2015.
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