Yet already Trump’s MAGA faithful in Congress are falling in line to praise Trump for his picks.
“The list of bootlickers is long,” Kimmel said.
But one name stands out: Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who this week went over the top as he said GOP lawmakers need to do anything Trump asks.
“So now he’s got a mission statement. His mission, his goals and objectives, whatever that is — we need to embrace it. All of it, every single word,” Nehls said. “If Donald Trump says, ‘Jump three feet high and scratch your head,’ we all jump three feet high and scratch our heads. That’s it.”
“Troy, you’re embarrassing yourself,” Kimmel said. “He’s not gonna sleep with you, OK? Is this what we get from Texas now?”
Kimmel said there are several theories on why Trump’s going with such extreme picks, from seeing how far he can push GOP lawmakers in Congress to more strategic reasons.
“Or, and this is the theory that I believe: He’s dumb,” Kimmel said. “He’s a dumb man. He’s Donnie Dum-Dum.”
See more in his Thursday night monologue:
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