Who is Thalia Joan?
Time Out has listed Thalia Joan as many things but the ones worth mentioning are that she is one to watch, The Queen of High Functioning Unhinged and last but not least, Bold, a little chaotic, yet surprisingly appealing. Blending her many art forms, talents and healthy obsessions of comedy, insight, poetry and music Thalia Joan always promises a great night out filled with Glitz & Glam and stories that will leave you in hysterics wanting more. She’s a dreamer who loves nothing more than a laugh, an adventure, hates sitting still and wants to doing it all.
What would you do differently from what you do now?
My ultimate dream is to be in a pop punk band, think Paramore but more glitter.
Who inspires you and why?
The list is long but to name a few – Florence Given, Dolly Alderton, Lena Dunham, Belle Hooks – in short powerful female writers.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I would redesign the way we use currency to be a blend of talent exchange/ gifting/ pay what you can. I hate what money/greed does to people and the state of the world.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’d be grateful for a holiday – full stop! But some places on my bucket list/ dream list are (in no particular order): Japan, New Zealand, Tasmania.
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I always source out a live music gig, play or show. I also love the Art Gallery of NSW.
What are you currently reading?
Rick Rubin: The Creative Act.
What are you currently listening to?
Music: Ironeye by Adja | Podcast: All of HER: Krystle O’Neil & My Therapist Ghosted Me.
Happiness is?
Losing track of time because your so deep in a moment of bliss and laughter surrounded by friends and family. Delicious food (never ending courses) shared in a home, with some great music in the background and moving round the table sharing stories and insights.
What does the future hold for you?
If I had the answer to that, I’d be a woman on the edge – but what I do know is that it seems to just be getting better.
Thalia Joan presents That’ll Do: The Glamour of Giving Up at The Dove Club, as part of the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival: 27 March – 14 April. For more information, visit: www.comedyfestival.com.au for details.
Image: Thalia Joan (supplied)
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